
青年事工,家庭, & 文化






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透过青年事工、家庭、 & 文化 

你有兴趣对下一代和他们的家庭产生有意义的影响吗? 如果是,请获得青年事工、家庭的学位 & 澳门新葡京网站的文化可能是你的完美选择.

我们的课程使学生能够与教会和非教会的青年和家庭建立联系, 同时也提供了训练他人所需的工具. 我们的教师在青年和家庭事工方面有丰富的经验, 并将他们对现实世界的见解带入课堂. 你将学习如何处理影响家庭生活和文化的当代问题, 并获得为基督有效地接触下一代所需要的知识和技能. 通过在青年事工,家庭方面攻读学位 & 文化, 你就会把自己放在神服侍孩子计划的中心, 世界上任何文化的青年和家庭. 注重实用, 实践学习, 你会为将来从事青年和家庭事工做好充分的准备, 或者进一步学习神学或神学. Join us at CIU and make a lasting impact on the lives of young people and families in your community and beyond.


小班授课, 实践和经验的任务, 而一个像家庭一样的专业使CIU成为学习青年事工的正确选择. 这个学位还包括圣经的第二专业,大多数学生都有增加辅修的空间. 学生得到指导, discipled and trained by seasoned youth ministry professionals who have been awarded the Excellence in Teaching Award from South Carolina Independent Colleges & 大学(SCICU).


The Youth Ministry program at Columbia Inter国家 University offers a comprehensive approach to training students in the biblical knowledge and strategic skills needed to serve effectively as leaders and mentors for young people and their families. 该课程为学生提供了坚实的神学基础, 部长和青年发展, equipping them with the tools and resources necessary to serve in a variety of church and non-church settings.

通过课堂教学与实践经验的结合, 参加青年事工项目的学生对青少年的发展有了深刻的了解, 教导与门徒训练, 领导与管理, 不同文化背景下的属灵培育和事工. They learn to think strategically about ministry and to develop effective 项目 and initiatives that engage and inspire young people.

也许最重要的是, students in the Youth Ministry program at Columbia Inter国家 University are mentored by experienced and dedicated faculty who are actively involved in youth ministry themselves. 这些教授将他们的实际经验带到课堂上, providing students with valuable insights and guidance on how to navigate the challenges and opportunities of youth ministry.

拥有澳门新葡京网站青年事工学位, 你们准备对年轻人及其家庭的生活产生有意义的影响, 教堂内外都有. 是否追求事业的事工, 教育或其他相关领域, 通过本课程获得的技能和知识可以应用于各种环境和设置. 最重要的是, graduates of the Youth Ministry program leave Columbia Inter国家 University with a deep sense of purpose and passion for serving others and sharing the love of Christ with the next generation. 




  • min3100沟通改变生活

    You will explore various models and guides for effective communication and teaching of Scripture that connect with a variety of age groups. 你将读书、写留言、参加讨论和讲座. 你将在课堂上练习口语来体验这些方法.

  • min3715咨询儿童,青年和家庭

    本课程将帮助你了解儿童、青少年和家庭的需求. This course will give you a framework for utilizing individual and family systems model as well as other theories and practical techniques for counseling.

  • 跨文化事工简介

    在本课程中, 你将接触到不同文化所需的各种事工方法. 你将探索跨文化事工的原则和技巧. 你会发现自己的文化偏见,以及这些偏见如何影响你的事工. You will have the opportunity to develop a culture-specific ministry vision and strategy to reach a people group God has placed on your heart.

  • MIN 4536基督教事工管理要点

    在本课程中, 您将学习当地教会和准教会事工的基本事工管理原则. You will learn how to build and lead a ministry team; plan, 组织, and market events and 项目; conduct effective meetings; budget and evaluate financial issues; manage risk and legal issues; evaluate and follow up on ministry activities.

  • min4538战略部领导

    在本课程中, you will examine the character qualities essential to effective Christian leadership in a variety of settings; discuss a definition of leadership which discloses its basic functions; explore relational skills and issues integral to leadership roles; and identify competencies for tasks essential for excellent leadership.

  • you2110青年事工基金会

    本课程介绍青年事工的研究和专业. 你将学习历史, 发展, 以及在教会和其他准教会组织中服事青少年的基本原理. 青少年发展的概述和青年事工的职业调查将包括在内.

  • 传福音 & 惩罚青年

    This course equips you in the principles and practice of discipling a young person to know God and make Him known. It provides a specific look at adolescent Christian life as it pertains to the facilitation of maturing leaders in youth organizations. 您将回顾各种模型, 策略, 以及针对青少年和大学生的培养门徒的项目.

  • YOU 4310有效青年策略 & 家庭部门

    您将探索各种模型和策略, 过去/现在, 带领有效的事工服侍青年和他们的家庭. 你会发现在一个后基督教世界里做事工的挑战和机遇. (3)

  • you4930青年事工实习

    这个实习为你提供了一个有监督的, 有当地教会或伞兵教会的初步培训经验. You will receive hands-on experience as a way of discovering or honing your ministry skills and encountering the reality of vocational work away from a university setting. 这一要求通常在夏季达到, 但是如果你不是注册为全日制学生,可以在秋季或春季学期完成.





毕业于青年事工、家庭专业 & 文化 are equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to pursue a variety of careers in youth ministry and family services, 包括: 

  • 青年/学生事工牧师或主任 
  • 儿童牧师/主任(AWANA) 
  • 大学牧师/主任 
  • 牧师家庭 
  • 基督教门徒主任 
  • 国际青年工作者/传教士(e.g.、撒玛利亚救援会、国际怜悯会、YWAM、 约西亚创投、JAARS) 
  • 准教会青年工作者(青年生活,青年为基督,FCA) 
  • 营地/静修主任或项目主任 
  • 高危青少年住宿项目的工作人员 
  • 社区外展中心主任/职员 
  • 军事基地青年工作者/部长 
  • 青年事工课程开发员 
  • 一个以青年为中心的非营利组织的主管 
  • 内城区或城市青年工作者 
  • 青年巡回讲者 
  • 为研究生院做准备 

对影响家庭生活和文化的当代问题有深刻的理解, 事工的神学概念和青年及家庭服务的实际技巧, graduates of this program are well-prepared to serve as leaders and influencers in the world of youth ministry and family services. 无论是在教堂还是世俗环境中工作, graduates of this program are equipped to make a meaningful impact on the lives of young people and families, 并以实际的方式分享基督的爱. 



The Youth Ministry program at Columbia Inter国家 University offers a wide range of stimulating and practical courses that are designed to prepare students for real-world ministry experiences. 课程涵盖青少年发展等主题, 教导与门徒训练, 领导与管理, 精神的形成, 以及在不同文化背景下的事工. 除了课堂教学, students are required to complete an internship in order to gain hands-on experience in youth ministry settings. This practical component of the program provides students with the opportunity to apply what they have learned in the classroom to real-life situations, 并与年轻人和他们的家庭建立关系.


澳门新葡京网站的青年事工项目保持小班制, 通常由10-20名学生组成. 这就提供了一个更加个性化和互动的学习环境, where students can receive individual attention and engage in meaningful discussions with their peers and professors.


研究生s of the Youth Ministry program at Columbia Inter国家 University are well-equipped to pursue a variety of positions in churches, 营地, 青年及传教组织, 以及“青年生活”这样的教会组织. 具体的职位可能包括青年牧师, 儿童部主任, 牧师家庭, 或者大学牧师, 等. The program’s emphasis on practical skills and hands-on experience prepares graduates for leadership positions in ministry, 他们可以在哪里对年轻人及其家庭的生活产生有意义的影响.


青年事工专业的就业前景非常乐观. The faculty at Columbia Inter国家 University regularly receives requests for open positions from churches and organizations seeking qualified candidates for ministry roles. 事实上, the demand for Youth Ministry graduates is often greater than the number of graduates available to fill those positions, 强调该项目的重要性和价值.


是的, graduates of the Youth Ministry program at Columbia Inter国家 University can expect to earn a living in the field of youth ministry. 虽然薪水可能会根据教会或组织的规模而有所不同, 大多数毕业生可以期望获得与学校教师相似的薪水. 随着他们积累经验并晋升到领导职位,工资也会相应增加.


许多教会和组织在学生毕业后立即提供职位, 一些学生甚至在毕业前就得到了实习网站提供的职位. 而额外的教育, 比如硕士学位, 可能对职业发展有帮助, 对于青年事工的初级职位来说,这并不总是必需的. The practical experience and theological foundation provided by the Youth Ministry program at Columbia Inter国家 University prepare graduates for success in a variety of ministry roles.

